Pivot Points

Midlife brings change.

Change requires a response.

How will you respond?

During midlife, significant change occurs in your roles and relationships--often triggered by, or coninciding with, becoming "Empty Nesters." These changes require adjustments. We call these Pivot Points.

  1. Parenting Pivot: adapting roles with your grown children, new in-laws, and grandchildren

  2. Marriage Pivot: reconnecting with your spouse in a mutual pursuit of purpose and legacy

  3. Purpose Pivot: evaluating your calling, gifts, and passions in light of your new circumstances and opportunities

  4. Caregiving Pivot: serving and honoring your parents as their needs increase

Seasons of change are challenging. Anthropologists have developed the concept of "liminality" to describe the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stages of a passage from one season of life to another. During these liminal stages, we "stand at the threshold" between the previous way of structuring identity, time and community and a new way that is not yet clear. Liminal seasons are characterized by uncertainty, risk and loss; but also opportunity, excitement and hope.

With our Pivot Plan, PhaseNEXT will guide you through these Pivot Points of midlife and into a thriving future.