Blog Post: Restructure Your Purpose Infrastructure
By the time you reach your 50s, you have likely been pursuing purpose within a context defined by family and career for half your life. In doing that, you have built an infrastructure that supports your effort.
Nearly every significant decision was heavily influenced by the purpose of family and career.
• The cars you have purchased
• The location, size and configuration of your home
• Your budget categories and priorities
• Your schedule and activities
• Your communication patterns and subjects with your spouse
• Your social circle
All of these together have been developed and woven together to move you forward in your pursuit of purpose. They were means to an end. But, at some point, the infrastructure you created to support your pursuit of purpose became part of your identity, and perhaps even a purpose unto themselves.
But things have changed. Your children are adults and have left home. You’ve either reached your career goals or realized that the ship has passed. You’re realizing that the sense of purpose that has driven you for years is waning and you may be headed in a different direction.
The title of Marshall Goldsmith’s classic leadership book What Got You Here Won’t Get You There provides insight on the Purpose Pivot that occurs during midlife. The book’s title phrase is an idea that warrants your consideration if you are struggling to find meaning and fulfillment in the things that occupy your time and energy. It may be time to evaluate whether your current infrastructure is useful or a burden.
Midlife is an opportunity to rebuild your infrastructure on purpose for a purpose. It's more than “downsizing” just to simplify or conserve. You now have the freedom to thoughtfully restructure the operating systems and fixed assets of your life to pursue God’s calling for the next phase of your life.
As we are now approaching the turn of the calendar year, consider whether 2023 will be the start of a new phase of purpose for you. You can learn more about the Purpose Pivot on the Resources page on our website.
We believe that your PhaseNEXT can be filled with passion, purpose and legacy.